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Thursday, 7 June 2007

Ten Tips for Kids to have Fun Safely

Continuing with our discussion:

With lighter evenings, sunny weekends and an anticipated long hot summer ahead we want our kids to have fun, minus the horrible stuff lurking in the background that most conscientious parents cannot ignore. We also want our kids to be creative, active and enriched with a degree of freedom that allows them to experience independence at a level appropriate to their age. Parenting involves thinking 24/7, it involves planning, diplomacy and strategising. Unfortunately unlike the worry free days of yore it's going to take a little planning. Schedules and lists are a fabulous way to organize the family - thought this is completely optional. I do better writing things down, then when I have a thousand- and- one things on my mind I don't have to squeeze my brain too hard just consult the notice board.

1. Have a list of chores that must be completed prior to recreational activities. This not only teaches responsibility but imbues a sense of confidence and satisfaction when a job is well done.

2.Seek out local organized activities - Boys Scouts, Youth Clubs, Sports Clubs/Camps, Bicycle Groups, the list is endless. Gives children the independence from parents, yet in a supervised facility.
**Be very careful to properly research the facilities first, check all health and safety regulations. Ask as many questions as you need to - don't feel bad, these are your children you are responsible for them and have a right to enquire about their safety. If staff become irate with your questioning that's a clear indication of where you don't want to send your child.

3.Organize day trips to outdoor recreation areas, parks adventure playgrounds etc. Allow your children to bring friends along. Again, stressing the importance of independence, establish boundaries and check points beyond which your child should not venture without your consent. OK bite the bullet, allow them a cell/mobile phone for emergencies. Use this phone to touch bases with your child if they are not within e sight. This will of course depend largely on the age of the child and parental discretion is therefore necessary. Take something to do for yourself; catch up on some reading, crafts, take a friend along yourself and catch upon some good old goss.

4. Invest in season passes for local theme/water parks. Again giving strict instructions regarding boundaries, meeting points and pick-up points. Make sure you have a means of contacting them in case of emergencies or park closures due to inclement weather and other adverse situations. This will generally be suitable for the older child).

5. Organize trips to the library. Upon arrival allow your child to visit the department of his choice to browse or to just sit and read. You do the same. Agree upon a meeting time. Taking the books home allows for a more sedate activity to be worked into an otherwise active schedule.

Five more top tips on ensuring safety and fun all in one!

1 comment:

  1. I am very impressed with your website. It is very insightful, but yet informative. Keep up the good work! I look forward to reading more.


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