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Wednesday 17 February 2010

Day 22, 343 to go

So I made a promise yesterday and by golly I'm going to deliver!
Actually this was donated by my good mate Eve, it's really cool inforation.

So here goes. Thanks chickadee!
Fascinating facts about the invention of the SMILEY FACE
(Courtesy: http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/smileyface.htm)

Smiley Face by Harvey Ball in 1964.


There are few symbols which so fully represent the American spirit of friendship, happiness and peace as the smiley face. Harvey Ball, co-owner of an advertising and public relations firm in Worcester, Massachusetts designed the Smiley Face in 1964 to help ease the acrimonious aftermath following the merger of two insurance companies

Definition: A round happy cartoon-like image, often black-on-yellow, a symbol of peace and joy The smiley face represents the American spirit of friendship, happiness and peace.

Inventor: Harvey Ross Ball

Birth: July 10, 1921 in Worcester, Massachusetts

Death: April 12, 2001 in Worcester, Massachusetts

Nationality: American


1964 Ball spent about 10 minutes designing the smiley face for his client, an insurance company

1970 Bernard and Murray Spain added the words "Have a nice day," to the smiley face

1971 At its peak of popularity, more than 50 million Smiley Face buttons were sold.

1999 United States Postal Service unveiled the Smiley Face Stamp

1999 First World Smile Day held

CAPS: Ball, Smiley Face, Harvey Ross Ball, Bernard Spain, Murray Spain, Have A Nice Day, ARYS, smiley face, :-), symbol, ☺, SIPS, invention, history, inventor of, history of, who invented, invention of, fascinating facts.

The Story:

In the early 60s State Mutual Life Assurance of Worcester, MA initiated a merger that had bad effects on company morale. In 1964, State Mutual cooked up a “friendship campaign” to get employees to smile whenever they answered the phone, paid a claim, or typed a report. The company turned to Harvey Ball for graphic support. Ball reported that he spent about 10 minutes designing the smiley face, and he was paid $45 for it. This was the only profit that Ball ever made from his most famous creation. Neither Ball or the insurance company trademarked or copyrighted the smiley face. In the early 1970s, the smiley face image became a symbol for an entire generation of Americans, emerging as one of the most well-known images in the country.The smiley face craze, was the work of two brothers in Philadelphia, Bernard and Murray Spain, who were in the business of making would-be fad items. In September of 1970 they drew up a smiley face added the words "Have a nice day," and copyrighted the image and words. Soon they and their many imitators were cranking out buttons, posters, greeting cards, shirts, bumper stickers, cookie jars, earrings, bracelets, key chains, and many other items. The fad lasted about a year and half; the number of smiley buttons produced by 1972 was estimated at 50 million .

And now you know!

zai jian! (p: sigh jen) -  Chinese

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