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Wednesday 11 April 2012

Hello universe, I might be a hippie!

Hello Family

I know, it's been a minute but life does that to us. Anyhoo, let's see what's going on with me. Still working on the everlasting doctoral thesis, end stage though so its all good.
Young'un is not so young any more; about to enter year four of college (wasn't it just the other day that he lost his first milk tooth?). My 15 year old young'un is equally as awesome; blowing my mind with his individuality, talents fabulousness - IT'S A WORD!!!!!!

What's going on with me? Well we,(lovely hubby and I) are still growing stuff and getting pretty good at it too. It really is our favorite thing to do. Creating and then watching it develop into something great. In the ground, as of this moment we have pear, peach, apple trees; strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, figs, grapes; thyme, rosemary, mint, sage, cilantro, basil, parsley; onions, peppers, carrots, lettuce, spinach, radishes, cucumber, bush beans, pumpkin, sweet potato, gourd, okra, tomato and all of the stuff that I have forgotten to mention. Additonally we have acquired some cool seeds from our Jamaican and Trini extended family members and look forward to seeing what will actually grow here in NC. I am particularly excited about the creasee seeds that I planted, because of the huge medicinal properties of that plant I hated so much as a child; when forced to drink the tea by my mom for an upset stomach.

I am trying this Gluten Free diet too, not jumping on the bandwagon, just tying to understand how my tummy rolls (ha, tummy roll- see what I did there!), just wanna roll with it - in perfect harmony, not the constant battle that I am facing so often lately. It's actually too bad, you just have to be prepared so that you don't grab for the first snack when you get a snack attack.

Ooh, and finally, I decided to liberate my hair from harsh chemicals. Again, not another bandwagon, it started off (I think ) as a financial decision. I was doing my own hair for ages, perming and all the rest of it, really because I just couldn't justify the big bucks and wasted hours at the salon. Then I got tired of the process of relaxing every couple of months (although I was a stretcher), my hair was actually okay and had great length and shine, but I started to wonder if I would still be doing this in my eighties, and if not, what would I be doing? Something far less harsh I imagined. So why not start that healthier/safer option now, I asked myself. So I did. Don't get me wrong, this is a process and a half too; but a feel good one. I don't condemn anyone without natural hair, this is just a personal choice, so y'all go ahead a rock whatever suits you - 'I got you!'.

Here's a weird and wonderful thought:

I home educate.
We grow our own produce.
I am gluten free.
I am a natural hairstress (WORD!)
We create homegrown herb/spice blends
Ohh, and I'm starting to make my own cosmetics, well really only lip balm and moisturizer - simply because I cannot find any to suit my needs.

Could I possibly be a hippy?

Without of course the other pipe smoking, free loving, 'everything is everything' stuff that goes along with hippyism.

So there we have it. My update, my progress, my dizzy busy life.

Love, peace and nuff GF chocolate and chips.

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