OK, be warned this is a warts 'n all account! (Fellas, if your wife is over 35 trust me, she knows what I am talking about - nothing gross though, really) Read on.
So in my quest to rid myself of the evil C's - caffeine, chocolate and cheese I decided to take a break from black tea (lovely tea - sigh) and see if my insatiable appetite for a hot beverage five times a day could be satisfied by the herbal variety. In addition to the berry teas, I incorporated mint tea as my main staple. Why? Because it reminds me of my mom, she loves mint tea and because I have it growing in profusion in the back garden. So I stared drinking it and liked it! Cool!
Now because I like to learn about everything that we consume I started doing a little research on mint tea consumption and found that it has anti-androgen properties, meaning (ladies) that if you have hair growing where it shouldn't, mint tea has the capacity to greatly reduce that. Interesting, I thought, but thought nothing else of it. That was about two months ago.
Well! Here comes the interesting fact part; For the last I'd say, about five years father time has been bringing me a reminder each month that I am not getting any younger in the form of a single facial hair right below my jaw line. Every month I pull it out. Every, single month - without fail, it comes back!
So lately I've been looking for my rogue hair and have not been able to find it (OK, I was up to about three hairs if you want to know the real truth). No more beard? What happened? Then the penny dropped. The mint tea! It works! Living, unscientific proof. There you go. Remember where you heard it first.
But seriously, mint tea is really a good alternative to caffenated teas and coffee. In addition to being very refreshing (hot or cold) it's great for stomach/digestive issues and is loaded with anti-oxidants (sorry, can't verify that - all teas are, haven't you always heard that? Thought I'd just drop it in there).
And here's the miracle, because I know you are wondering... No, it does not inhibit the growth of hair on your head! Antiandrogens only inhibit the growth of hair produced by an excess of testosterone.
Here's a little edumacation:
Finally, for those who don't know; androgens, androgenous (stress the "o" as in the word 'not'), antiandrogen refers to the presence of male and female stuff going on in the same body. Imagine Boy George or Grace Jones, those are just two extremes of the same condition (though with Grace we know it really is just part of the image - innit hon!) For women, as we age we depelop the propensity to produce more testosterone - hence facial hair - neck beard! Men however, do not turn into girls over time - although that boy genious did didn't he. What was his name? James Harries, now Lauren Harries:
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As James |
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As...er...Lauren |
I still love caffeine, chocolate and cheese and have not completely abstained; just as with everything else, I am doing it in moderation now.
I do not advise anyone to give these up, or to quit cold turkey. Ramifications can be serious and sometimes fatal. Cases of spouse abuse related to C's deprivation have been reported. Forwarned is forearmed!This is so random.
Love, peace and the best of health.
Pictures: tongs.org.uk
great article, I will give the mint tea a try