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Tuesday 8 May 2012

Yay Me! Frugal Finds.

Not bad for zero pennies!
 I am finally getting the hang of this couponing thingy and I must admit it is actually rather exciting. Especially when you figure out where the freebies are hiding. It's all legit, nothing sketchy but you do have to do your research and keep your ear to the ground. I think I did pretty well this week.
Don't worry I'm not going to go nuts with it and end up on a reality show searching for my family under a pile of hoarded merchandise.

And here's the real reward for all my hard work (drum roll...):

Chocolate, I think I love you!

* On a serious note though, if you do decide to really get into couponing it's probably a little disingenous to stock pile just for the sake of it; so spare a thought for the disadvantaged members of our communities and consider making charitable donations of some of your excess items.



  1. That's a great idea to give away excess food to the disadvantaged

  2. Thanks so much for your comment. As they say, it only takes a spark.

  3. I do this all the time. It's a great way to give back.


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